13 December 2005

Happy Fucking Holidays

Get the fuck over it. Not everyone celebrates Christmas. Not everyone is Christian. So is it REALLY that fucking difficult to say Happy Holidays and to not display a Nativity on public property? No it fucking isn't that hard. So get over yourself and show some damn respect for other cultures and religions. How the hell would you like it, you Christian zealot, if I walked up to you and wished you a happy Winter Solstice or Kwanzaa or Haunika (sorry, I can't spell)? Not too happy, eh? Well how the hell do you think I feel (or Jewish people feel, or people who celebreate Kwanzaa feel) when you wish me a happy Christian holiday (that being Christmas)? NOT TOO HAPPY. Well, I personally don't care but I can't imagine too many Jews are too damn happy about being wished a Merry Christmas. Get over your arrogance, get over yourself period, and show some damn respect. PERIOD.

Longer rant on this subject coming soon but I have to go back to work now.