26 October 2005

Are you an accountant?

Tell me how this is possible. And don't explain the math to me cause I know mathmatically it works out.

I currently gross $756 per pay check
I work 80 hours per pay period
I get paid bi-monthly so I have 24 paychecks per year
Do the math, I make $9.45 an hour and $18144 per year

Our payroll has changed to 26 paychecks per year instead of 24
And I still make $18144 per year
Do the math, I now Gross $697.84 per pay check (expected) and I make $8.72 an hour

Now here's my question...if I make the SAME per year and work the SAME hours as before, how do I suddenly make $0.73 less per hour than I did before? It doesn't make sense to me at all. I know the math works, I've done the math on it three times now, both on calculator and on paper. And granted I understand that under the new system I am making 2 more paychecks than before. But I don't understand how I can make the same per year but less per hour than before. I don't see how my hourly rate would factor in with my 2 extra pay periods. It's the same number of hours, same yearly salary. O_o I just can't get my head around it. I mean, ok, I am satisfied that I am not losing any more money than I already figured on losing. And I am also satisfied that technically, I am not losing any money at all. I just want to understand it now instead of taking it as red that all is well, you know?

And I got so upset. And technically I am still a little upset because I was making $8.75 an hour before I even went full time and now I'm making $0.03 cents less and I've had three raises since then. So it's apparently going to take me another 2 years to get back up to where I was just a week ago. I feel like I am spinning my God Damn wheels with this God forsaken company, I swear. If it isn't my payroll being a big ass surprise then it's me being passed over for promotion while stupid little attitude girls who haven't been here as long as I have get promoted left, right, and center. I'm fecking sick of it. And now I have to go eat crow to Dorie cause I was way upset about this whole thing. I hate myself when I do that. And I know it is partly to do with my period. I feel like I would have been more calm about it if I wasn't on my rag and also wasn't getting this cold that has been hovering in my chest for this whole week. Plus I get bitchy when I am hungry and I was definately hungry when I read this little tidbit. But I still wish I could fucking control myself when I get like that. I am 99% of the time a pretty calm person but one little thing can send me into a tizzy and then I look like a damn fool. And no matter how hard I try I can't seem to control that bitchy part of myself. So basically, here in 5 minutes when I go back to work, I am going to have to go apologise to Dorie, tell her I did the math and it sorta works out, and eat crow. Major crow. Gah! I am so sick of this damn job. I am so sick of my temper. Here I am trying my damndest to get promoted around there and I fly off the handle about my goddamn paycheck. GOD why am I so HIGH STRUNG?!?! And why the hell can't I control it better? I've been living with this personality for 24 years now, why the hell can't I control it better by now?!? Everything's always fucking worst case scenerio to me and I hate it. I hate being like that. Which I understand admitting I have a problem blah blah blah. 12 steppers know what I am talking about. It's just something I have to work on. But how much longer will I have to work on this shit before I am finally a fully functioning member of society? It's so damn frustrating already around there and I only make it worse when I act like this (worse for myself anyway) so what the hell is fucking wrong with me already??? Fuck I have to go back to work now. I need a day the fuck off. I feel like fucking shit.