13 October 2005

Late for lunch again

I just realized on my drive home for lunch that my thumbs are a smaller replica of my father's. How odd...because they work like my mother's.

For some reason I was thinking of a song from Rent today. Just one line. "On the 3-D IMAX of my mind...that's poetic! That's pathetic!" I don't know why that line ran through my head but after I thought of it I starting humming "La Vie Bohem" to myself with a conspiratorial smile on my face. It's amusing to see the puzzled faces on my co-workers when I smile to myself and they don't know why, especially when I don't know why I am smiling either.

I'm not sure when I am due back to work because I thought the clock said ten after when I left but the clock in my car said fifteen after when I got out there and when I got home the compy said it was 22 after. So I might just go back early.

I bought menthol 72s today instead of light kings and saved myself a whole dollar. I will probably end up buying another pack tonite of the light kings and will use that dollar I saved to spend an extra dollar on the pack. Smoking is a vicious cycle.

I have told myself twice this week I will not eat out when I left for work at 7:55AM. By 1:00PM I was pining for a cheeseburger both days, and by 5:30PM had decided to eat out after all. This morning I told myself not to eat out. It is now 1:34PM and I am not pining for a cheeseburger. Perhaps today I will be successful in not eating out and will be able to say I saved myself a minimum of $6 by eating Mac and Cheese for dinner. The Kraft varity.

Is coffee a gentler caffeine high than Mountain Dew or Pepsi? Because I had a cup of coffee today and didn't get jittery like I do on Mountain Dew/Pepsi and now that the caffeine should be wearing off I am not crashing like I do off soda. And I put sugar in my coffee so I don't believe it has anything to do with the combination of sugar and caffeine, unless I put less sugar in my coffee than is in a 12oz can of soda. Which is entirely possible I suppose. I shouldn't even have the caffeine at all because of the fiberous "lumps" that like to form in my breasts when I have too much caffeine.

Star Crunches are not the best lunch in the world, especially when paired with Sunkist orange soda, but in a pinch it works to stave off the shakes that come with low blood sugar.

I'm really beginning to loath Besta Fasta pizza. Perhaps it is time to stop eating there.

I need a massage. My right shoulder muscles have not relaxed since 2000 or so when Doug massaged that shoulder for almost 2 hours and finally got it to relax.

Random book quote: "I hate aluminium blondes. I wonder if I could get an aluminium bleach..." from Murder Must Advertize by Dorothy L. Sayers.