14 October 2005

Even more random thoughts

I find there to be something sad about internet porn. Especially the "free" kind. I mean, it's sad to the point of creepy to think of some random person sitting in the dark in their bedroom on the internet in a "free" porn cam chatroom telling some random chick to take her top off or whatever. And watching the "free" previews seems sad as well. I mean, we've all dabbled in the net porn arena (well, most of us I assume anyway) and once you watch a couple things it's like, you just get hit by this sense that you are acting like the creepy guy you see on the street you know? Which is why most of us never get past the dabbling stage and actually pay for the shit. It's weird.

I'm pretty open about my sexuality. I am a voyeur and I enjoy watching people masturbate and I don't have a problem owning up to my own little fetish. I really don't see a point in not talking about things like this. I mean, ok, if you're like 12 then yeah no talkie about sex. But I am a 24 year old woman and I don't see why the world wants to be so damn PG. There has always been a taboo, a stigma, attached to sex. Especially with women. We're not allowed to talk about or like sex at all. And it's sad that even in today's world there is still that stigma about sex. You're supposed to keep it in the closet as it were.

It's a double standard really. Naked people on network and cable TV will get you fined to hell and back by the FCC. But to create the illusion of nakedness is fine. I can't walk down the street with no shirt on but I can walk down the street in a bathing suit top that barely covers my tits. Truly fashionable women's clothing has been trending toward showing as much skin as possible, yet pornography is still looked upon with disgust. It's a double standard, plain and simple. We're teaching our girl children younger and younger to show off their bodies and to ooze sexuality from every pore and yet I can't walk into a sex shop without someone shaking their head and tut tutting me for being a pervert.

I dunno what I am trying to say here. Imma go dick around on Gaia for a while I guess. GOD I so want to have an adult conversation with someone.