11 October 2005

Bewildered as to why I did this

Hola. Happy to see you here. As if I don't have enough places to Blog, now I have a blogspot. Joy. I can't say I have very interesting things to talk about. I can't say I really have anything to talk about. But I do like this font it is making me use in the editor so that's cool. Hmm...what to say, what to say...Ok if you want to know the real reason this is here, it is simple. I stumbled across Rosie O'Donnel's blog and she mentioned Blogspot so...here I am. Yay for Rosie. Though she sounds kinda cracked out on her blog. But still...Guess to each her own. I fecking love her anyway. Anyone who can be so open about being an abused child, gay parent, and gay foster parent is ok by me.

At the moment I am waiting for my loverly husband to get home from work. Which kinda sucks because I was hoping I would pick him up as I need to get ciggies and I hate having to smoke his. It's so non-PC to be a smoker anymore. I mean, whatever happened to the elegance and noir-esqueness of being a smoker? Smoking used to lend an undefignable air of mystery and elegance to a person. No one talked of shameful things like bad breath, stinky clothes, Lung Cancer, and yellow teeth. No one complained to you about your habit. If anything, everyone and their mom smoked back in the day so if you weren't smoking there was something wrong with YOU and not vice versa. It's like drinking. In the 30s and 40s drinking and smoking were THE social things to do. Every house came equipped with a bar/drink cart and a tin of cigarettes on the coffee table. People started drinking at like 12:00 noon and didn't stop until midnight. And yes, I understand that there are health concerns that go along with all that drinking and smoking, I am talking about the social stigma that has become associated with it. I mean, 80 years ago or so it was just the norm to drink and smoke. Now if you drink on a regular basis and smoke you are suddenly an outcast, deemed unworthy to be talked to because of your habit. When did that change happen? When did it become so damn non-PC to be a smoker?

Wow. Minirant. Nice. What a wonderful way to open a new blog. I dunno man. I'm glad of the advances that have been made both socially and technologically in the past 80 years and all, but sometimes I long for a simpler time. I long for slinky silk dresses in the evening, a tapered cigarette holder, a mink stoal (oh shut the HELL UP PETA, seriously!), and a martini. Alot of people my age (24) seem to want to return to the 50s. Well to them I say, why in GOD'S NAME would you want to hang out with Ward Clever and "The Beve" when you could hang out with Cary Grant and Greta Garbo? Fuck the 50s, give me the 40s or the 30s or even the 20s. That kind of style will never be seen again in this day and age or any other. And it's sad really to think that we had it almost right all those years ago and now all of a sudden we have things so totally wrong. At least I think we have alot of it wrong. Gah, when did things get so complicated?