13 October 2005


ARE YOU KIDDING?!? I have to wait until SATURDAY the 15th before I can get my MXC fix?!? That is so not cool. It's been three weeks counting today since my regular Thursday night TV fix has been on. Shit pisses me the fuck off.

Is Queer Eye still on TV? Cause I haven't seen it in a while and I would like to see it again. The theme song reminds me of a Gay Bar Lori and I went to in Dayton.

Wow, I have three versions of the Mortal Kombat theme in my compy. Wonder how that happened? I really need to go through my music and delete things. And move things around. And rename things.

Fuck I'm Cold.

These cigarettes are so short I feel like I am smoking a joint. The fact that menthol makes me high doesn't help to dispel that feeling either.

Ok so...Liu Kang, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Raiden...that's all I can think of. That's all I need for a Worms team. Oh...Princess Katana. And Sub Zero but he was a bad guy so he doesn't count. And the other bad guy...what was his name?? I can't remember.

This song is so awesome. I fecking love Mortal Kombat. The first movie, not the game. I never could play that damn game and do any good at it. Although the newest ones seem to look pretty good.

Yeah so I'm going to buy Halo. So sue me. I've been so against it that it almost seems like a betrayal of myself to buy it. But I'm gonna. Or perhaps not. Eh whatever.

Scorpion. That's another one.

FATALITY!!! Lmao I need to not be listening to this right now. It's making me want to watch the movie and I don't own it.

Wasn't there, like, a Banshee too? Or was that X-Men? There was some chick who screamed though cause she used to kick my ass when I tried to play the old game.

Dave's playing his drums. He really needs to learn a new lick, man. He's driving me insane with the same simple lick over and over again.

Stranger's Wrath. The game where all the work went into the Environments, music, and skins and left the plotline woefully lacking. The game the ruined Oddworld. The game that made Loren Lanning fuck it all up and go in a "new direction." How I love the game....and yet how I hate it. Why did the era have to end on such a sucky note? Why couldn't it end with another Abe game?

Fucking mouse. How I loath this mouse.


Mmkay I think I'm done now.