24 October 2005

Foamy and insomnia and people with no brains

Didn't sleep last night. Don't know why. I only know I am tired as fuck now. And Gaia is down for another 15 minutes at least. Suck. Watched my Foamy the Squirrell DVDs last night from first to last. Good times...kinda. Read my book for a few hours, still didn't sleep. Finally slept at 2AM. Then had to go to work this morning. Double suck.

These women...these (for lack of a better term) zombies I work with must be stopped. It's fucking ridiculous, believe me. I mean, when the tellers come to me with just about all their questions then you know there is something wrong. What the hell is >radio edit<>radio edit<>radio edit< to be doing all day other than the cash ordering on monday mornings (that I do more often than she does)? I wouldn't get as frustrated as I do if I at least had some damn authority or a wage that was consistant with the work I do. God, I am so tired of being taken advantage of!