10 April 2009

Hard to blog with a sinus headache

There have been so many things going on in my brain lately. I've been reading alot of mysteries by Dorothy L. Sayers, starring my favorite novel character Lord Peter Death Bredon Wimsey. The ones I read over and over again are set in 1920s-1930s Britain. They sort-of make me wish I lived during that time. I mean of course there are certain things that should never repeat themselves (like rampant racism, sexism, and classism...and the stock market slump that bankrupted lots of people and turned into a Depression), but still. I'd so love to have a bobbed haircut (oh wait...I do), a set of crystal liquor decanters and a soda siphon, and that sense of detached but good-natured ennui that seems to hang in a cloud over Lord Peter's head. I would spend my days reading books, lunching with friends, shopping, and SMOKING INDOORS. I would spend my nights at parties or out for dinner and dancing. Of course, this is all supposing I'm rich enough to be able to do all that lol. With my luck, I'd more likely be a one-time widow married to a common farmer in Yorkshire with four kids, all my teeth falling out, all my hair falling out, and a dead cow in the fields. And I still just might be happy with all that as well. A simple life.

I also seem to have fallen in love with MS Paint Adventures. I'm going through the "Problem Sleuth" adventure again because it gets hella confusing at the end. I'm hoping I understand more of what's going on this time around lol. I also intend to register in the forums so that I can be a part of the new adventure that started this morning. More than likely they will never use any of my suggestions, but I still want to feel as though I'm a part of it. Thanks to Eric (who will probably never read this blog) for introducing me to MS Paint Adventures lol.

Money is becomming tighter and tighter these days. I've had my hours cut at work (and might be getting them cut again before long), and the cost of food keeps rising so it's dashed difficult to get groceries. But we're surviving as well as we can. I've just had to redo my tax withholdings because I'm sort of tired of owing federal and state taxes at the end of the year. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how I owe State tax. It's not like there are different withholding percentages for married and single status like for the Federal income tax. I hope to god this downturn in the economy hits the bottom soon so things can at the very least even themselves out, but I greatly fear that won't happen for some time yet. It seems every day we hear about another large industry barely keeping itself above water and begging for bailout funds.

My head is pounding. I think I'm going to end this now and go register at the MS Paint Adventures forum site. Look for this blog to be cross-posted at some point today on Live Journal and MySpace. Thanks for reading!