09 November 2007

El Ranto

So there are a great many things pissing me off at the moment and I’ve decided to tell you all about them. Aren’t you excited?!

We’ll start off with Mallrat Syndrome. I’m bloody sick of males in my generation (and the generation directly preceding mine) acting like it’s cool to never grow up. And I don’t mean the Romantic (note…Romantic with a big “R”) notion of keeping a spark of youth within you; I’m talking about the decidedly non-Romantic notion of acting like you’re a teenager well into your 30s. Granted, my generation on the whole hasn’t exactly hit its collective 30s yet. But the one directly before mine (and I’m looking at you, Kevin Smith) has. Isn’t it about time to grow the fuck up already? You’ll notice that these kids in adult clothing are having families of their own (or at least trying to) and holding jobs and whatnot and that’s great. More power to them. But standing outside the Quickstop and/or Mooby’s (please don’t sue me, I was lead astray!) doing not a damn thing all day is not only an idea which has had its time but is also an activity best left to the homework-oppressed among us. In other words…I realize you want to hang with your posse but perhaps you should let the teenagers drape themselves on the doorways of the convenience marts of the world and relegate yourselves to hanging out in your TV room. You want it with even less big words? STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING 18 YEAR OLD AND GROW THE FUCK UP ALREADY. I’m sorry…I liked Clerks 2 and all but there was something unbelievably sad and depressing about a 30 year old Jay and Silent Bob hanging out outside Mooby’s as if they were 20-somethings all over again. And if I ever saw Jason Mews in a fucking mall just chillin’ I think I’d shoot myself. A moment comes in every person’s life when it ain’t cool to be a Mallrat anymore, dude. For the record…I own all of Kevin Smith’s movies except Jersey Girl and I’m actually a huge fan. I’m also practical and can distinguish between being cool and being creepy. And Jason Mews in Clerks 2…was creepy dude. And I ain’t just talking about the “tuck.”

You know, along with this lovely theme is nostalgia being felt by people who aren’t bloody old enough to feel it. Granted nostalgia doesn’t have an age requirement. But when people I know start to “get nostalgic” about events that happened not more than 3 years ago, it’s time for a reality check. And don’t even get me started on false nostalgia. If you didn’t live through it then BY DEFINITION you cannot be nostalgic for it. Plain and simple. Don’t believe me? Look up the god damn definition of “Nostalgia” in the dictionary. If you didn’t live through the 1950s, then you don’t get to be nostalgic for them. Which, by the way, if you want to return to the 1950s because it was all “so cool” then I suggest your refrain from calling yourself a feminist any longer (you know who you are, person I’m talking to). And in general…before we start getting all misty-eyed over a chocolate malt, a drive in movie, a poodle skirt, and a 57 Chevy El Dorado let’s examine the entirety of the decade itself. Actually, for me anyway, you don’t even need to examine the whole decade. I think looking at the rampant racism is enough to be GLAD the 1950s are fucking over. This is not to say that nothing good came out of the 1950s. Let’s just not fool ourselves into thinking it was a decade devoted entirely to milkshakes and Leave it to Beaver, mmk?

That can apply to most decades, really. Hell, it even applies to me and the false nostalgia I used to feel for my father’s generation. I had a hell of a lot of false nostalgia linked to the 1960s. Never mind the rampant drug use, the beginnings of the AIDS epidemic, and the host of other negative things that came out of that decade. Lots of good things came out of the 1960s…lots of bad things too. And it’s not really a time I think we should want to return to. We need to learn and grow, not backtrack and make the same mistakes again and again.

This brings me to my next rant-worthy subject. I’m not going to say a whole lot on this subject because everyone knows I hate Bush and all his stupid cronies. But look…things have gotten SCARY in this country dude. This is not really a country that anyone can or should feel proud of in my opinion. I mean, what the hell kind of country do we live in when the phrase “[Mukasey] is wrong on torture…dead wrong…” can leave someone’s lips? How can you be wrong on torture? TORTURE IS WRONG. Plain and simple…direct and to the point…WRONG. There is no grey area. There is no “issue” of torture. There is no debate. TORTURE IS WRONG. And now we have an attorney general who can’t comment on whether water boarding is illegal and a form of torture because he hasn’t been briefed as to the practice. Seems to me that practically drowning someone is, in fact, torture and TORTURE IS ILLEGAL. Not to mention WRONG. So it should have been relatively easy for this Mukasey dude to say it was wrong, but he didn’t. He waffled. He wanted to make sure Bush knew he was on Bush’s side so he waffled. What an arse. What the hell kind of country…what the HELL kind of CIVALIZED, FIRST WORLD country acts like this when it comes to torture? And why the HELL isn’t anyone DOING anything about it?! I’ve written to my congressmen. I’ve voted my conscience (which these days consists of straight party democrat and a whole lot of prayer). I’ve done what I feel I can do to try and stop King Bush the Second (not my phrase but one I liked enough to steal) from mucking things up for us any more than he already has. I feel like I’m the only goddamn one. I know I’m not…I read www.dailykos.com …but I feel like I am. Because no matter how much of a majority we have in congress now…no matter what the dems seem to be doing…NOTHING IS CHANGING. And it makes me wonder…considering the VAST amount of power we’ve given to Georgie Boy in the face of false terrorism fear, could anyone blame the next president from carrying on Georgie’s tradition? Seriously…would you be able to turn down all that power if it was offered to you by a vote of the people? Next November, we’re going to vote for the new Commander-in-chief. Next November, we’re going to have the chance to find and vote for someone who will have the courage to say no to this kind of power. Be responsible in your choice. BE RESPONSIBLE. Don’t just look at the issues (although the issues are important), look at the PERSON. It’s going to take a strong person to look at this unimpeached power monger (dare I say…DICTATOR) and all the power he has afforded himself at the expense of our civil liberties and say “No. This far and no farther. It’s time for America to gain some of its morality and respect back.”

By the way…for those of you scratching your heads over the segue way between repeating mistakes and Bush’s scary Presidency let me say three words to you…Persian Gulf War. If you still don’t get it…take a history course!

Mood: Bitchy
Location: Bloom County Serious Opinion Point
Music: Stronger by Kanye West