27 October 2007

Hell I don't know...

Well here we are again. It's been a pretty shitty 2 weeks for me. Last week, I had a bunch of busy days at work (eew) and a big old nasty meeting I had to attend. Then I came home with a migraine on Thursday. Then I sprained my ankle on Friday. This past week my boss was on vacation which always makes for a bad time for me. Not only do I get uber busy when she's gone, but I also spend the week being annoyed because the tellers don't listen to me. They pretty much figure that when the tom cat's away, the mice will play regardless of any other cat that may happen to be hanging around. And the really shitty thing is I'm supposed to be keeping my nose on my own paper as it were (I was told in my last review that our branch as a whole spends too much time worrying about what other people are doing and not enough time worrying about what we are doing ourselves) so I don't even feel comfortable ratting them out. And some of it is things that need to be addressed. So ick. And my ankle has still been hurting me, though not nearly as much as the day after I sprained it. And Lori went back to Dayton, which is a good thing but I'm always a little sad when she leaves. I don't get to see her as often as I would like to, even though when we are together we spend most of our time in the "what do you want to do?" loop lol.

So not only all this junk...but also there's been minor guild drama going on in the Gaia universe which is always trying to the patience. And a friend of mine just found out her Grandmother has lung cancer which is not only making me worry about my friend but also is beginning to bring up my issues surrounding my Grandfather's death. And on top of all that...my cousin is having a hard time with her battle against leukemia. So I'm worried about that as well.

My mom and dad are heading out of town for a vacation and I'm watching the house and taking care of Mr. Anthony (their rather aged cat). I'm really really hoping that Anthony doesn't kick off while they're out of town because that would just ubersuck. But I'm pretty sure (as is mama-san) that Anthony's getting ready to shuffle off this mortal coil. He's not been eating much lately and has lost even more weight (and he didn't have much weight to lose to begin with) and he's been lethargic and drinking a ton and a half of water. Drinking a lot of water could be a sign of the beginning of kidney failure, but with a cat you can never really be sure what's going on because obviously they can't tell you if anything hurts or whatever. So yeah...Anthony's about ready to die. He's an old man though...he's I think, like, 14 years old or something close to that...so it's not exactly a shock. I just hope he doesn't suffer before he kicks off.

For those who don't know, about 3 weeks ago Steve and I moved into a 2 story house. We're still renting (though we might as well not be, considering we pay all the utils AND trash AND most household maintenance we're responsible for) but it's a house as Steve says and it's rather nice. I mean, it's not the best house in the world but it suits our needs and it's in a pretty good state of repair. Very modern. The thing is, Ginger (our middle cat...the diva) hid under the couch for the better part of our three weeks here. It got to the point where she had lost weight because she wasn't even coming out of hiding to eat. I was scared that she was sick or something. So Steve and I started physically pulling her out of hiding and making her eat for a while. She's out now finally, not hiding at all anymore thank goodness, and she's doing just fine. She's back to her old self. She still needs to put some weight back on, but other than that she's doing just fine. The other two cats took to the house pretty quickly and now they act like they've never lived anywhere else lol. They love the stairs...they play on them and sleep on them and everything else. Ginger I don't think is as big a fan of the stairs as the boys are, but she likes them just fine lol.

Jesus I'm sleepy. I had planned on having a nice old rant about Catholics and Bu-Bu-Bush and all kinds of things I've had a serious opinion about lately but I worked today which therefore means I'm too damn tired to have a serious opinion right now. Plus I kinda got all that shit out when I was at my mom and dad's house today getting their key and generally wasting my mom's time while she was supposed to be packing lol.

Why in the fuck is my husband obsessed with Rent the way I used to be?! It's really annoying the hell out of me and I don't know why. Just...GAH!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!

To paraphrase Scott Adams of "Dilbert" fame...my hand is weary. That means my journal entry is finished.

Mood: Hoopy
Location: The Upstairs portion of my house
Music: Hopeully U2 if I can ever get it into the car