05 November 2007

Random things that annoy me

1. The netspeak phrase "ur." I don't know why, but it annoys the ever loving snot out of me. I'm guilty of using it when I'm too lazy to parse out the entire word when I'm text messaging a friend or something, but I think I'm going to stop being that lazy. Maybe that's why it annoys me...becuase it betrays a certain lazyness on the part of the poster. As if they just can't be bothered to write out the entire word because they know we'll know what they mean. Really, I'm annoyed by all net speak (except lol and all it's derivatives for some strange reason) but "ur" has really been getting to me as of late.

2. People and restaurants that say "...served with a side of au jou." Au Jou is a french term meaning "in juice" or "with juice," it is not the name of a fucking sauce. I'm fighting a losing battle with this one, but I don't care. It fucking annoys me. The correct phrase is "...served au jou." Fucking stop calling the meat juice you're serving your sandwich or steak with "au jou!" AND ANOTHER THING...it's pronounced "oh zheuh" not "aw jew." Fucking Americans...

3. Here's another losing battle, thanks to Robin Williams and King Bush the second...THE WORD "NUCLEAR" IS NOT PRONOUNCED "NUKE-YOU-LUHR!" IT IS PRONOUNCED "NEW-CLEAR!" This has been going on for fucking decades and it really has to fucking stop. It is not a dialectical thing, it's a mispronounciation. SAY IT RIGHT!

4. People who can talk for an entire 5 minutes or longer and not actually get to the point they're trying to make. It happens at work, it happens at home, it's driving me crazy. If you need to know the last 5 checks that cleared your account, I really don't need to hear about how you went to Las Vegas for your vacation and couldn't find a whole lot of places that would accept out of state checks. All I need to hear coming out of your mouth is "My account number is this and my password is this and I need to know the last 5 checks that have cleared my account." If you have a further question about whether they can clear your check twice from your account or some such thing then ask me...do not expect me to understand that you have a question simply because you couldn't find alot of places in Nevada that would take personal checks. I've taken communication courses, I know how to listen for questions that aren't being asked, but honestly...is there an unasked question in the phrase "...and not many places will take an out of state check, you know, so I guess next year I'll have to take my debit card..."

5. People who feel superior to everyone else based on what they feel is an education level and/or their life choices. You know, you aren't better than me just because you don't eat meat and you went to Harvard. You're not better than me just because you don't own a TV and I do. And you certainly aren't better than me just because you own a Prius and have a solar powered house. It's, in my opinion, worse than people who feel superior to you because you're poor because it's a fucking double whammy. Not only do you think you're better than me because you don't eat meat, but you also think you're better than me beacuse you make enough money to afford to buy the Prius and totally remodel your home to include the solar power. It's fucking ridiculous and methinks it's time to stop.

I think I ran out of steam on this one. There is something else that's annoying me, but it's a rather specific subject and I'm just too tired to bitch about it. So yeah...have a nice day.

Location: Bloom County Serious Opinion Point
Mood: Pissed off
Music: "Straight Outta Lynwood" by Weird Al