24 November 2008

Emo vampires erupting from the darkest portions of my brain

Sometimes I feel like I'm coming apart. Sometimes I feel like it's been so long since I actually worried about myself that I've gone too far to be saved. Sometimes the music I listen to has such a huge effect on my mood that I suddenly write random blogs about it.

I feel like important, elloquent things are seething behind my eyes, waiting to explode from my fingertips. What ends up coming out, however, ends up being the same old emo bullshit.

Sometimes I feel like there really is too much time between my husband and me. Sometimes I feel like no one will ever make me feel complete because no one really shares enough interests with me. Sometimes I feel like I was destined to settle because I'm so far from normal that no one could ever fit me as well as I want.

Sometimes I'm so supremely unhappy that I just want to get in my car and run away from everything. Sometimes I'm so supremely happy that nothing could possibly go wrong. Most of the time I feel like running away. Fast. And never looking back.

Sometimes I feel like I would actually be ok if I really did run away. Sometimes I feel like the only way I would actually be ok is if I really did run away. Move to a larger city, leave everyone here, and start over. Stay in Ohio, but not in Mansfield.

Then again...sometimes a friend calls and makes me laugh and then suddenly the emo melts away and I feel like I can face things again. Thanks, Eric.