02 December 2006

Old Friends

Mike Crank found me. I can't believe it. After all these years (and it's been alot of years...last time I saw him was when I was still working at TJ Maxx and THAT was before I left college) he found me. I never even dreamed I would ever talk to him again and then suddenly, randomly, there he was. I cried, I won't lie to you. I was intensely happy to hear from him. And I bet he's embarrassed as hell right now because I know he'll probably read this and I don't care. I never stopped caring about him and I wasn't lying when I told him there wasn't a month that went by where I didn't think about him. It was an exceptionally good day when he sent me a message on here, I was very happy. But more than that, I was relieved to know he was alive and ok. He's in the Navy (but not for much longer from what I hear) and I was so afraid for him. I didn't know what he did in the Navy or if he was involved in this Iraq foolishness of GW's and was constantly afraid he would be killed over there. I'm relieved and happy to hear that he's alive and safe. With any luck, he'll show up in Mansfield or he'll live close enough to here that I can take a road trip and see him face to face again.

Also in the old friend news, Eric finally wrote me back. After months of wondering if he was ok and wondering if he hated me and all sorts of paranoid ravings I sent him an angry missive today...and he wrote back and apologised. It was...new territory for me. Usually when I write angry missives people get angry right back at me and I lose friends. I was happy this didn't happen this time. And I'm also happy to report that he wasn't angry with me or anything. He was just taking some me time. Which I can totally understand. So yay for reconnecting with Mike and Eric!

I'm so totally happy today! It's been something of a crappy day for me to be completely honest...internet's been fucking up sporadically, as has the cable. And I spent a good two hours at the laundromat washing sheets, blankets, and towels. But to hear from two of my best male friends (and also to have a good conversation with my third best male friend Doug) just made my day. I'm not exactly giddy with excitement or anything, but it's been a good day for friendship. Now if only I could get some of my friends to go out with me or something. I mean come on guys, I just took a shower, let's go out!!

*sings a chorus of "Take Me Out" from Rent*

Maybe that's what I need...maybe I need loud music therepy to get rid of some of this pent up happyness. Gah...I need friends dammit!!

*sings loudly to 80s music*

And finally, I would just like to say...that I love and adore my new phone and wish SOME PEOPLE WOULD FUCKING CALL ME!!!

I wonder what Megan's doing...

Current Location: My happy place
Current Music: The Big 80s
Current Mood: Cheerful