20 October 2006

Oh the spootness

Got a promotion. Yep. Finally. 5 years of blood, sweat, and working for shit money finally paid off. I'm an MSR-II now. What does that mean you ask? Well, I don't run a cash drawer as a rule and I have to open accounts and learn how to work up loans and junk and...that's about it for the differences. I get a desk and a cubical and all the fun that comes with that oh freakin joy. But I have to work at the Lexington Branch. Which sucks. It's slow, no one seems to want to train me much, and everyone other than the other MSR-II ignores me. Oh yay, what fun. I have one day to learn how to handle anything that comes up because on Tuesday and Wednesday next week I'll be all alone. Just me. By myself. Scary, truly, I cannot tell you how scary that is. It'll ultimately be ok I think...I mean, I don't think I'll have as much fun over there as I did at Main Street but I'll learn alot I think. I'm trying to remain positive on the experience but today ~sucked~! So who knows...

In other news, I have a septic tooth. Again. What fun. It's become unresponsive to pain medication which means I'm going to have to see the dentist in the near future. And it won't be fun because the tooth will have to be surgically removed (don't ask, just trust me) and about a dozen or more of my other teeth are rotten as well. I've half a mind to tell Jacym that I just want an antibiotic for right now and then when I take my vacation next year I'll have them all yanked and get false teeth. Yeah I know, I'm 25 which is too young to have fake teeth but you know what? I can't exactly schedule enough time off to get them fixed you know? It would take multiple trips to the dentist which would cost alot of money and time and with our insurance changing and me just changing jobs...yeah. Not the time for extensive dental work. Ugh.

I dunno. I'm in a bad mood right now and I'm tired and I left my book at work so perhaps I'm not really in a good frame of mind to be thinking about this stuff. It's been an annoying day. Hell, to be quite honest, I don't know why I'm blogging right now.

And I'm irrationally pissed off at Steve for playing the Sims. I think it's because he told me a long time ago he originaly started playing this game to try and teach me a lesson about doing housework and I've never gotten over that. If he's doing that shit again I swear to God he's going to regret it.

Perhaps I'll just take a by on the rest of the night and go to bed. Thank God it's the weekend. I should have brought my notes home with me and tried to learn something this weekend lol.

If my fairy Godmother is reading this...can I have my wishes now please? I wish to be independantly wealthy, to have perfect health INCLUDING perfect teeth, and for World Peace. But if I can only have one wish, then I wish for perfect health including perfect teeth. Thank you for your time.