27 September 2006

Work in Progress...

I think “skin” is one of the most sensual, sexual words in the English language. Especially when sung. Consider the following lyric…

“Let the rain fall on your skin…”

It’s like…abject sex. Just BOOM! Hello, my name is Peter Gabriel, and not only am I passionate like no other Englishman but I’m also sexually active and appreciate the sensuality of a woman’s skin and the rain falling around her! He could have just said “Let the rain fall” but that implies some sort of sadness or depression. He could have said “Let the rain fall on you” but that’s a bit awkward and imprecise. Also, “let the rain fall on you” implies a cleansing process. It can still be spiritual, but it’s not really the same thing. “Let the rain fall on your skin” makes a very pleasing mental picture, and with just the addition of the word “skin” implies an intimacy with the person being spoken to. That intimacy is reinforced by the next lyric, “I come to you, defenses down/With the trust of a child.”

Bugger this. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. But yeah…there’s a lot of passion in Peter Gabriel’s music. A LOT a lot. And it’s infectious. You listen to enough Peter Gabriel, you’re going to suddenly find yourself with an excess of passion and no outlet. And then you’ll start reading way too much into song lyrics like “Let the rain fall on your skin” because all you really want to do is release some of the passion inside you. But you can’t. Because you live in America which is at once both the pr0n capital of the known universe and also the most puritanical, hypocritical society on the planet as it pertains to sex. On the one hand, a boob at the super bowl during prime family time television is cause for fines in excess of $500k, not to mention great public outcry against “our children being exposed to smut during good family programming!” On the other hand, the Porn industry is one of the biggest money making industries in the country, sex is constantly and consistently used by Madison Avenue to sell everything from cleaning supplies to beer, and prostitution is legal in Nevada. Buh? Schizophrenic, much? What it boils down to is you feel all this passion and you suddenly find yourself wanting to wear a cleavage shirt and a short skirt. You find yourself plotting ways to jump your husband’s bones at the weekend. You want to be vigorous and dynamic. And it all comes back to a need to be sexy, sexual, and sensual. Because of the passion. And thanks to Passionless America (see previous rants on subject), you can’t really do any of that. That is, you can’t do it while America is still taking her anti-psychotics. Cause like I said…Madison Avenue uses sex to sell everything. The fashion and movie industries use sex like gangbusters…especially female sexuality in the fashion industry. But that’s as far as it goes. Hell, women STILL aren’t supposed to like sex or engage in sex.

Or are they? I seem to be having an epiphany. There is a lot of sex out there in the mainstream media and advertisements. There are a lot of sexual clothes being sold. It's just basically the manic/depressive nature of america. 90% of the clothing out there is extremely sexual and yet we aren't allowed to talk about sex. It's like I said...it's all schizo. Or bi-polar. Hell...America has split personality disorder when it comes to sex.

Which brings me back to Peter Gabriel. Because even though he has a hell of a lot of nonsense lyrics there's a firey, infectious passion in his music. There's nothing bi-polar about it. It just is what it is. No high and low. No doubletalk. Just it.

Ok, at this point, I don't know what I'm talking about. I've completely blanked as to the reason I started writing about this.

You know what it is? It's GUILT! The Puritanical bullshit that started this country has whittled itself down to Lutheran Style Guilt so we put the sex out there, but we hate ourselves for doing it and....I'm really stretching to make a point.

So...how about those Mythbusters, huh? Crazy dudes, man...crazy.

I don't know. I honestly don't. I have things in my head that want to come out but nothing's happening. Ugh.

Shit it's 11. Me needs to go to bed.

I've just realized how much I have invested in Gaia. And how much I loath it and despise it. Sigh.

I'm done being schizo now. Yay for bed! Yay for Harry Potter! Yay for not being able to type at 11PM on a work night!