16 August 2006

Dedicated to Grampa Debo...who is always in my thoughts

Got up at 6AM. Took a shower. Got dressed. Tickled the cat. Went to work.

[Borus Interruptus]
So work sucked as usual. Cindy thought she didn't come in until 9 so I opened by myself. Ugh. But it wasn't as bad as it could have been. There weren't many night deposits or ATM deposits to do so it was ok. Then disconcerting things happened. Once Cindy got there, she and Pam were suddenly closeted together in Pam's office talking about undisclosed things. The Pam went to Ashland to help out because they only had one person (period) there for the better part of the day BUT...Jenni Paramore showed up out of the blue at our branch and...was suddenly closeted together with Cindy in the drive thru. So I'm getting paranoid as hell about what's going on with Cindy...like either I'm about to get hit for harrassment or some shit (long story...suffice it to say that Cindy don't like me and takes me the WRONG way all the time) or Cindy's getting MY next promotion. Which if I get passed over again...I'm so quitting. I'll not have 5 years of hard work go down the drain just because fucking Cindy seems to be all buddy buddy with Jenni, Pam, and Brenda O. Anywhoots...It was your typical day for the most part. I panicked a little bit because I thought it would just be me and Cindy to close tonite and on the off chance that one of us was off (because Cindy's off ALL the fuckin time) I didn't know how to show it for the over/short thing. So I frantically figured that all out but it turned out to be a moot point because Pam came back toward the end of the day. Then, poor Susie was off $3 and we didn't want her to just show it off because $3 or more counts against you. So Kristen spent most of the 4 o'clock hour trying to find Susie's offage. Suck. They finally had to show her off. Meanwhile, I forgot to take the mail out but I did get everything cleared yay! Susie was scheduled to be off at 4 but it was a little after 5 by the time they got her fixed and then Pam asked her to stay to learn how to scan checks. So I went up to Pam and said "I don't mean this how it's going to sound so I apologise in advance, but did you remember that Susie was supposed to be off at 4?" Pam hadn't remembered that so she sent Susie home. So then Pam decides to go shoot the shit with Cindy in drive while I was in the back scanning checks. Which I don't mind to do by myself because at least I know they're done right. But then Pam and Cindy finally make it to the scan room and Pam's like "I didn't know you were back here by yourself, I could have been helping you!" and I'm thinking to myself "Yeah right...what do you do, do you forget the entire schedule immediately after posting it?!" but I didn't say anything of course. I almost feel like she thinks I changed the schedule myself which I most certainly did not. I wouldn't overstep my bounds like that...well ok I might have with Dorie but I wouldn't with Pam. Pam's a good manager and knows her shit. But anyway...the upshot of the whole deal was I learned something new about the check scanning but we didn't get out of there until almost 5:45. SUCK. So then I went to Wendy's because I was starved but it made me sick to my stomache and now I seem to be exhausted for some ungodly reason.

And the odd thing is...I've not been as depressed as I thought I would be today. Today would have been Grampa's 65th birthday were he still with us and I thought I would be depressed as hell but...barring a little throat tightening at the moment, I've pretty much been myself today. I miss him like crazy though. I mean, he was in pain, it was his time, blah blah blah...but I still miss him bad. For all his faults, he was the best grampa ever. Here's to Donald Eugene Debo Sr...may he never be forgotten and may he always rest in peace. I love you grampa.

Where I'm at: The Cupboard Under the Stairs
How I'm Doin: Calm
In the background: Crashbox

15 August 2006

August Fifteenth, Two Thousand and Six, Eight Fifty Eight PM EDT

Got up at 6AM. Showered. Dressed. Tickled the cat. Went to work. Was completely alone on the front line until 10AM. Got alot accomplished. Came home at 1PM. Played on the computer. Watched TV. Masturbated. Played on the computer some more. Now I will be watching dirty jobs and playing Tak. That's about bloody it.

And you thought I was lying when I said my life was boring.

How I'm Feeling: Blank
In The Background: Dirty Jobs Theme Song