13 May 2006

Passionless America

One of the problems with America is the fact that, in America, passion has been replaced by ambition. Think about it...what's the first thing you hear about people from other countries? Their passion, of course! I mean, how often have you heard about the Irish temper, Spanish passion, Italian passion, Scottish passion, and the like? When you think about South America you don't think about business and rich people, you think about Carnivale and wild, hot, sweaty, FUN pig sex! When you think about Ireland you don't think about commerce and imports, you think about being in the middle of nature's magic and magesty, eating great food, getting piss-ass drunk on 100 year old Irish whiskey and (if you have any libedo at all) having wild, hot, sweaty, FUN, drunken pig sex! Now think about America...business, commerce, big cities, fast cars, smog, no fun, no SEX! And yes, I know, the porn industry thrives today. I know Madison Avenue uses sex to sell anything from beer to clothes (which is weird because one is customarily not wearing clothing when one has sex). But what's the prevalent attitude toward sex in this country? That Puritanical bullshit about sex being a "sin" and being "evil" and shit. God Forbid anyone should enjoy having sex!

I think the only country that's about as passionless as America has to be England, but even there you can see a pic of a nude lady on page 3 of the Sun newspaper. And you can see nudity on non-cable TV as well. So even the stuck up, priggish, prudeish English have a tiny spark more passion that us Americans do.

There aren't even any causes that inspire true passion in the Americans. The last time I saw anything approaching passion in the American public was after September eleventh and even that got lost in a sea of violence and racism. It depresses me to no end that what passes for passion around here is meaningless sex with anonymous strangers and throwing red paint on people wearing fur (PETA still has their passion, anyway). The strongest passion in America belongs to the Christian community and, I'm sorry, but that's just a waste. I'm all for religion and faith and all that happy horse shit, but wouldn't you think passion would do better to be used for your sig other than for a dead man?

Come ON, America! Whatever happened to passionate love? Whatever happend to all consuming, can't think of anything else, can't live without each other, I-Will-Die-If-I-Don't-Fuck-You-Right-This-Second, passionate love?!? Grabbing your lover, holding them in a tight embrace, kissing them with the full weight and force of love and longing, throwing them down and...well...I'm sure you can imagine the rest. Turn some of that energy you expend on things like workouts, getting to work on time, working 40+ hours a week trying to make that next dollar, shopping with your over-extended credit cards, and all kinds of other bullshit around into really passionate love for something. Get involved with homeless shelters, raise a ton of money for charity instead of yourself, and for Fuck's sake, throw down your woman (or man) and make wild, passionate, sweaty, sticky love to her (or him) before all the passion in America that's left dies forever.


How I'm Doing: Horny as hell (I won't lie)
In The Background: Far and Away end credits (soon to be PotC Soundtrack)