17 February 2006

Random Thoughts revisited

Why in the hell is it that every one of my friends tells me to call them and to email them and they NEVER email me or call me? What the hell is wrong with them taking the initiative once in a fucking while?!? GAH!

Did you ever discover, in the middle of waiting on a customer, that you have a dry booger that is making your nose hurt? Then your eyes begin to water and you sneeze a couple times and then it turns into a soft booger and you're afraid your customer can see it but you don't really know if they can or not? And it's a busy day so you can't just finish what you are doing and go pick your nose, you have like 4 other customers behind them. Doesn't that suck?

What the hell gives someone who is mooching off you the right to screw with your shit? I mean what the hell? I let a "friend" use my computer and suddenly he puts random hidden files on my desktop and sets my AIM to automatically sign his SN in and basically just hangs out on my computer for a billion hours while I am dreaming of going to bed? He said he wanted to check his email, not revamp his whole goddamn website!

While we're ranting, what the hell gives my coworkers the right to tell me what I can and cannot say? If they make a request, fine. I have certain words I don't like to hear and I ask people not to say them around me and if they do the same with certain words I say that's ok. I am a respectful person. But what gives them the right to say "You can't say that!" and talk about me behind my back and call me all sorts of hateful names just because I say something they may not like? Fucking pricks! Ever heard of something called the Bill of Rights?!?

It all comes down to Christianity and Hypocracy. Many of the Devout Christians I come across in my everyday existance are fucking hypocrits. On the serious, man, it's ridiculous. They want prayer in schools but only if it's Christian prayers. What would happen if a non-Christian took a prayer to school to say it? The Christians would have a complete uproar about it, try to sue the schools/city/student's parents, and basically cause hell on earth. But if, say, a Buddist family decided to try and cause the same uproar about a Christian prayer they would be poo pooed away and told to shut up and deal with it.

My hands are weary. I shouldn't be typing. And yet, I am.

Fuck freeservers.com! Fuck them right in the ear! Lousy fuckers. I hate them, I really do.

I'm so damn tired I could fall asleep right here at the keyboard.


Hells bells, I'm tired. So bye.

I hate you, Eric. Just so you know. Bye now.