14 November 2005


Zubah should replace bump on Gaia. It's such a fun word!

Today. Sucked. Donkeyballs. It was a total negative atmosphere at work and it put me in a total bad mood for most of the day. Add to that Steve's brother still being in the hospital and Steve getting called into work and me getting charged for a website I don't even use anymore and you got yourself some sucky times my friend. Sucky times indeed. I won't go into details because my head hurts and I don't rightly care about details when meh head hurts.

I had a nice weekend though. Very relaxing. I had friday off and spent most of it either in bed or at the laundromat. Day off for Jenny = Laundry day! Got the sheets and blankets and towels washed which was SO needed. Twas funish. So Saturday I basically lounged around the house. Moved my dresser so the cats won't jump on my head when I'm sleeping anymore. Then Doug came over and helped me move our easychair to where my dresser used to be. Then we watched MXC and he went home. Uneventful but fun to have company for a while on a normally lonely saturday around the house. The Sunday saw Steve and I lounging once again. We spent a brief moment at Wal-Mart (those facists!) spending the gift card he got for good attendance at work on drain cleaner, monkey bread, milk, and a pot roast. Mmm yummy. Well, except that Wal-Mart has SUCKY cuts of meat and we got scrizewed big time on that roast. It was so freakin tough and icky. Stupid Wal-Mart. But the monkeybread was awesome. I had never had monkey bread before. It made me want apples for some reason O_o. So after Wal-Mart, Steve and I watched Pirates of the Carribbean and The Last Samaurai and went to bed, surrounded by cats at all times. So yeah...nice, uneventful, restful weekend. My first really good weekend in a while. I'm usually just bored.

So yeah...that's about it really. No big political opinions tonight...head hurts too bad. Later days!